”What is to give light, must endure burning” Victor Frankl

Lava Leadership focuses on leadership, business development and team building for businesses and organisations.

My customers usually appreciate

  • My stories from extreme endurance races & how ambitious goals can transform people and teams
  • That I put a lot of pride in delivering value and to do what I set out to do
  • That I always put YOUR customers/users in the center of any change process. Customers are your bread and butter and all goals should lead to a better customer experience
  • The mix of team sessions (keynotes or workshops) & individual coaching
  • That my ambition is to be like LAVA. Lava is driven by a fire inside, full of energy and it creates rock solid results. LAVA is also my own model for setting and reaching goals in life and at work. Love, Autonomy, Values and Ambition. The model combines my experiences from coaching lots of people towards audacious goals and the latest research on motivation.

Good results are always based on the work of healthy and motivated individuals forming high performance teams led by leaders who model the way. All my work is based on research on motivation, team, leadership, business development and process leadership. Combined with my own experiences from extreme endurance challenges and entrepreneurship/the startup world.

Coaching combined with group sessions /keynotes / workshops is often the best way to get everyone onboard and harness the creativity of your teams. I use a broad tool box and will recommend the best tool based on the desired outcome.

I am a certified NLP Business Practitioner, Optimize Coach, Team Developer (by Ledarskapscentrum) and Lean Startup coach!

”Christian is a very motivated and driven person who listen, reflect and advice. I had the privilege to work with him during the formation of my company All Binary. With his results in extreme sports, he is an inspiration of what one can achieve with dedication and perseverance.”

”Christian excelled leading 35 students at Hyper Island through business fundamentals, strategy and business concepts within the digital media industry. Christian is structured, responsive, humble and caring and the students still talk about him as the best industry leader ever.”

”I have seldom met such a goal oriented and positive person. Christian is highly skilled, structured and communicative. He is very customer oriented, ambitious and professional and he brings the attitude that nothing is impossible.”

”Thank you. So many positive feelings and words about your keynote from the whole audience. We are so happy.”

”We couldn’t have selected a better coach and speaker for our national team gathering. Your presence and competence took us by storm.”

”Christian is a very positive motivator who skillfully applies his gained knowledge and experiences to develop leadership abilities in his clients. His applied knowledge and experiences are grounded on his own will to lead by example as well as on having coached all from pioneering to established businesses and athletes.”

Brainstorming och multitasking

Jag har hittat det ultimata sättet att multitaska. Det känns nästan ibland som att man fuskar för vad jag åstadkommer på en timme skulle lika gärna kunna ta mig 3 timmar eller mer om jag gjort sakerna var för sig. It goes like this. Jag kör fast i en knepig situation på jobbet eller behöva […]

Drottningen av Ö till Ö

Ö till Ö. En av de tuffaste (41 lag av 100 bröt 2011) och mest unika endagarstävlingar i världen och något alla bör testa som redan kört klassikern för många gånger eller fixat en Ironman. Jag hade förmånen att få bemästra denna monstertävling 2010 och fick en oförglömlig upplevelse. Något jag inte fick uppleva dock, […]

Min ’bucket list’ som atlet

Ni kanske har sett filmen The Bucket List (Nu eller Aldrig på svenska) med Morgan Freeman och Jack Nicholson. Två gamla gubbar inser sent i livet att de inte är färdiga med allt de vill göra innan de dör. De sätter ihop en bucket list med saker de vill hinna med innan det är för […]